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Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Romans

"The Romans" is a historical adventure from Doctor Who's classic era,

originally airing in 1965 as part of the First Doctor's tenure.

Here's a breakdown to help you decide if you'd enjoy it:


The TARDIS materializes in ancient Rome, landing the Doctor

and his companions, Ian and Barbara, right in the middle

of political intrigue. Mistaken for a powerful seer,

the Doctor must navigate the dangers of the Roman court

while trying to find a way back to their own time.

Expect chariot races, gladiatorial combat, and a healthy dose

of slapstick humour.



Comedy Gold (for Classic Who): "The Romans" is considered

one of the First Doctor's funniest stories. The Doctor's

interactions with the Romans, his attempts to blend in,

and the general misunderstandings create lighthearted entertainment.

Early Historical Exploration: While historical accuracy

wasn't a major focus in early Doctor Who, "The Romans"

offers a glimpse into ancient Roman society and culture.

Character Development: The story allows for the development

of the relationship between the Doctor and his companions,

particularly the Doctor and Vicki (introduced in the previous serial).


Campy Humour by Modern Standards: The humor in "The Romans"

might be considered campy or over-the-top by modern viewers

accustomed to more subtle comedy.

Limited Special Effects: The special effects used for ancient

Rome and any fantastical elements might seem primitive by today's


Historical Inaccuracy: As mentioned, historical accuracy wasn't

a priority. Viewers seeking a realistic depiction of ancient

Rome might be disappointed.


Positive: Praised for its humour, lighthearted adventure,

and early attempts at exploring historical settings.

Some fans also enjoy the dynamics

between the Doctor and his companions.

Negative: Criticized for its campy humor,

lack of historical accuracy, and somewhat

unconvincing special effects.

Overall Thoughts:

"The Romans" is a fun and comedic romp through time. While

it might not be the most serious historical adventure,

it offers a charming escape with memorable interactions

between the Doctor and his companions.

Would I recommend watching it?

For Fans of Classic Doctor Who: 7/10

(Especially those who enjoy the First Doctor's comedic flair)

For Fans of Modern Doctor Who: 5/10

If you're open to campy humor and enjoy classic Doctor Who's

lighter adventures, "The Romans" is worth checking out.

However, if you prefer serious historical stories

with cutting-edge special effects, you might find it dated

and less appealing.

Additional Points to Consider:

"The Romans" is considered a significant serial for being

the First Doctor's first comedy-focused story, paving the

way for future adventures with a more humourous bent.

If you enjoy "The Romans," you might also appreciate

other classic Doctor Who stories that feature the Doctor

and companions in historical settings, like "The Aztecs"

or "Marco Polo" (though the latter is unfortunately lost).

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to watch "The Romans"

depends on your personal preferences and your tolerance

for campy humour and a less serious approach

to historical settings.


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